10 Jan The Beauty of Stillness
Moving Faster Than Ever
As we enter into this new year, we are moving faster than ever through life. With instantaneous status updates on Facebook and Twitter, smart phones and tablets with Wifi and 4G speeds, everything is going as though we are driving the Autobahn in Germany! Fast! Nothing a person deserves more than the beauty of stillness. Our time to rejuvenate our minds, hearts and souls. Taking time to build inner peace and balance. Centering ourselves. No matter when we find time to do it, the benefits can be enormous.
Be Sure to Be Still
I know what your thinking… with all that is going on in our daily lives how are we supposed to be “still?” I can promise you from my own experience it is worth the effort. If your not sure, try starting with five minutes a day sitting in a quiet place, eyes closed, concentrating on breath. Your bodies natural ability to inhale and exhale. No physical effort whatsoever. You say you can’t seem to stop the chatter in the mind? Don’t. That will naturally occur. Let it happen.
Need help? I suggest trying “guided meditation,” an instructor will guide you into a relaxed state of mind. Here’s a site that I like: The Guided Meditation Site – www.the-guided-meditation-site.com
There are lots of different styles of meditation to meet your individual needs. Remember the more we practice being still, the greater our ability to live fully in our fast paced lives. Now that’s self love.